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Everything is Changing...

My life has taken a big turn. Literally everything in my life is changing. I'm doing online school, I got a job, and people keep coming and going out of my life. This may seem normal to some people, but I'm fifteen. FIFTEEN. It's almost like I'm becoming an adult, but I'm trying to not look at it that way. I think I'm becoming more responsible instead of becoming an adult. Anywaysssss, I'm super excited to start working at Pump It Up. I love kids, and getting money to hang out with them sounds like so much fun. I also get to pick my hours, and I'll have a more open schedule due to online schooling. Recently, so many people have been screwing me over. Like sis, soooo many people. It's really disappointing, but I've been doing pretty decent based on the situation. I'm just glad I don't have to see or interact with them anymore. You gotta get that toxic shit out of your life before you can actually start living. To be fair, they both were amazing and did help me with a lot of stuff, but I don't really know what happened they just turned into completely different people. However, I'm doing really really really good. I'm gonna miss high school, but you bet your ass that I'm going to pull up and do some crazy shit. I still want that high school experience, but this time I'll have money:)

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